How to read the graph ☝
- This graph shows response time (not execution time) clusters for each platform.
- All services are implemented in Typescript, not all platforms tested support full Typescript or other
- All platforms are triggered from the same machine on a standard Danish consumer network.
- It is split in two, showing cascading cold-start times on the left, and hot-start times on the right.
Cold-start is when a service is triggered for the first time in a while. 'Cascading cold-start' means the total
time for one cold service to trigger another cold service. Hot-start is when a service is hit repeatedly.
- You can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
- Points on 0 means the service failed to respond. This also adds a ❗ sign to the platform name.
- Columns (platforms) are sorted by the average response-time (outliers disregarded).
- The graph shows around ~100 data points for each platform, so one point corresponds to 1% of calls.
- This graph illustrates the range and spread of response times. You can also gauge a platforms tendency for
Time series
How to read the graphs 👇
- These graphs show response-times over time, for hot-starts and cold-starts respectively.
- Platforms with zero data points in the plotted interval are grayed out in the bottom.
- The graph also shows a three day running average (outliers removed), used to see if a platforms response times
are improving over time.
Nevermind this graph ❗